Attaining Your Goals Reading
Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly defining your goals for the future. This reading explores both your weaknesses and strengths, and suggest areas in which you will have to make more effort to ensure you reach your goals.
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Issues to Address


Issues to Address

Primary Strength

Primary Weakness


The Double Six is the grandest of Dominos. It denotes success, fulfilment and happiness on a grand scale. New paths will open for you, and you are spiritually and intellectually ready to take them.


Issues to Address


Now is a time to strengthen your family ties. You may want to consider having a child. Much of your energy should be devoted to your family.




Your livelihood or work appears to lack orderliness. This makes it difficult for you to move ahead or find purpose in your work. Now is a good time for you to organize your work place and develop new strategies for managing the tasks before you.


Issues to Address


Successful new unions and the strengthening of established unions are in your immediate future. These unions may be secular or spiritual or both. Be open to change, but do not abandon your values.


Primary Strength


Your troubles will soon wane. You will know true peace and harmony on both the spiritual and physical plane. Happiness and satisfaction will be yours.


Primary Weakness


You are surrounded by opportunities to grow at the moment. Take advantage of this time by exploring every avenue available to you to grow both spiritually and materially.





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