The Cross

The Cross Spread is good for advice.� It is based on the practical tarot spread. The main thing is to determine the difference between tile 2 and 3. Tile 1 is the topic and 4 is the result.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.

DO this

It deals with this
Do NOT do this
It leads to this

It deals with this

North Wind: Water

The North Wind tile indicates there will be difficult moments ahead. These can be cancelled out if the South Wind Tile is in your reading as well.
Do NOT do this

Wan 4: Lute

The Lute tile indicates a need for relaxation: a break from the stress of your everyday life. For people nearing the end of their career it may suggest that the time for them to retire has come.
DO this

Bamboo: Scholarship

The Bamboo tile indicates an adaptable, useful spirit. The Bamboo tile is also associated with scholarly pursuits.
It leads to this

Bamboo 1: Peacock

This is the first tile of the first suit in a Mah-jong set. Overall, it represents success. However, it also warns that success sometimes turns to arrogance, which can lead to loss of everything that has been gained. The Peacock tile also suggests a change in your life path is forthcoming.


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